Home Dehradun Comedy film ‘Rama Market’ made by Avikal Members

Comedy film ‘Rama Market’ made by Avikal Members


By Lalit Sharma
DEHRADUN, 4 Feb: Who says only Mumbai has a film culture? When one has passion, everything is possible. A good example of this is ‘Rama Market’, a full length comedy movie by Doon based actor and director Siddhartha Sharma. The movie is primarily a cultural initiative undertaken by the members of the Avikal Theatre group in Dalanwala.
Started by the renowned theatre director Alok Ulfat, Avikal promotes various cultural activities with a special focus on hill culture. ‘Rama Market’ is made under Alok’s guidance and Nanhi Dunya School’s cooperation.
Along with its hilarious plot and comic actors, the movie also aims to show the quaint and antique heritage of the Doon Valley. Old places like markets, streets, monuments, etc., have been beautifully shot and thus incorporated within the plot, thanks to Sumit Sharma, the cinematographer. The aim is to glorify and rejuvenate the lost culture of the hills and Doon Valley.
These days the movie is being screened at multiple places in Dehradun.The last screening was held in Ajabpur on 3 February. The packed show included the presence of Mayor Sunil Uniyal Gama and Raipur MLA Umesh Sharma. The team includes Siddharth Sharma, Sumit Sharma, Vasudev Purwal, Mayank Singh Chaudhary, Nitin Bansal, Dipesh Chamoli, Honey Rana, Shubhi Belwal, Sushil Ranakoti, SC Srivastav, Lalit Sharma, Rishabh Kumar, Devanshu Panwar, Yogesh Chauhan, Sarthak Vohra and Mayank Sharma.