DEHRADUN, 9 Dec: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, BJP State President Madan Kaushik, State General Secretary Ajaey Kumar Cabinet Minister Dr Dhan Singh Rawat and MLA Harbans Kapoor paid floral tributes at the portrait of CDS General Bipin Rawatat the BJP State Headquarters here today. During this solemn occasion, leaders including Dhami, Kaushik and Dhan Singh Rawat remembered the contribution of General Rawat in modernisation of the army and his exemplary leadership as the Army Chief and then as CDS. In the tribute program, State General Secretary Kuldeep Kumar, Rajendra Bhandari, DrDevendra Bhasin, Kaustuba Nand Joshi, Vishwas Dawar, Madhu Bhatt, Aditya Chauhan, Manveer Singh Chauhan, Vinay Goyal etc. other state officials and senior workers paid floral tributes. In addition, the BJP also organised a state wide tribute programme at all its district headquarters as well as all the 252 Mandal offices across the state. Party’s media in-charge Manveer Singh Chauhan informed that on the instructions of state president Madan Kaushik, all the district heads had arranged the tribute programme to pay tribute to Gen Rawat and others who lost their lives in the chopper crash yesterday. During this, all the officers and workers at the ward level were also present.