By Prof Satish C Aikant
Garhwal Post, as the editor rightly asserts, is engaged in a ‘continuing struggle’ to carry forward its mission to maintain its journalistic integrity without fear or favour. Ideally, the new information age should have brought us greater enlightenment, rational discourse and greater participation in democratic terms, but unfortunately it has fallen short, which is reflected in the falling standards of our social and political behaviour.
With liberalism constantly under siege, the public sphere has become an arena for irrational discourse and vituperative campaigns. A tension between politics and the media has always existed and that, to some extent, is necessary because the press must at times be in an adversarial position to the establishment. Without a free and robust press there will be no informed citizens and thus no democracy.
Backed by responsible media organisations, an aroused public can bring about significant changes in the functioning of power systems, and has often done so. It happens when journalism is seen more than a commercial activity designed to make profit by selling news. The press has a duty to inform citizens so that they may engage in critical debate on crucial social and political practices sanctifying and legitimating public opinion to act in a manner that may prevent abuse of power. Garhwal Post has pursued this goal with unswerving tenacity. I wish the editor and his entire team many years of success.