Dehradun, 17 May: The Annual Prize Day of Hilton’s School was celebrated today, with Gompo Tsering, President of Children’s’ Home Society, Dehradun, as the Chief Guest. The programme commenced with installation of the Students’ Council with Mridul Gupta as the Head Boy and Kritika Panwar as the Head Girl.
Gompo Tsering presented the students with awards for their outstanding accomplishments in the field of Academics, Sports and Extracurricular activities for the year 2018-2019.
The Cock House Trophy was won by Durnford House. Kush Gupta was honoured as the ‘Student of the Year’ and Arnav Goyal was declared ‘Sportsman of the Year.’
Special Silver Medals were given to Kush Gupta, the ISC Topper, and Shubhangi Batra, the ICSE Topper in the 2019 Board Examination.
In the Annual Report, Principal David Hilton highlighted the excellence of the Hiltonites in academics, sports, extra-curricular activities and social service during the year. Chief Guest Tsering congratulated the prize winners for their efforts in raising the standards of the school as a premier educational institute.
The Student Council then took the oath of office. Mridul Gupta was sworn in as Head Boy and Kritika Panwar as the Head Girl. The Chief Guest praised the high standards of excellence, the discipline and remarkable achievements of the students.
This was followed by a variety entertainment programme with presentations from the students that included ‘Zelda the Zebra’ by Nursery and KG classes, an enjoyable Hindi Play, ‘Jamun ka Ped’, and folk dances of India that charmed the parents and were enjoyed by all.