Allegations have been made against India of ‘interfering’ in other countries’ politics. This really must make Indians’ laugh, as – forget colonialism – there have always been attempts by not just western countries but also the former USSR to influence the political process in India. China, originally focused on the North-East, now uses all kinds of means to promote its ‘assets’. Pakistan became a ‘strategic player’ for the US and used the advantage to launch not just an ideological war, but also terror attacks of various kinds.
The problem with the allegations being made by Canada and the US, etc., is that it could hurt the interests of the Indian Diaspora, where individuals and the community may become targets of hate-crimes. There have been disturbing incidents of late that may be indicators of this trend. There can be no doubt that the establishments and some parties may be deliberating using allegations against India to pressurise Indian immigrants to vote in a particular way.
These challenges have emerged because of India’s growing global clout. Earlier, it was just about attempting to pressurise India for one or the other reason, but now it is fear that the process may be reversed. It may be noted that all India has needed to do to put Pakistan its place is by not having anything to do with it. No trade, no cricket, zero tolerance of terror attacks.
If India continues to consolidate its natural strengths, it will go further up the trajectory of becoming a world power that will have to be accommodated in the seats of power. Being given a permanent place in the UN Security Council, possibly with veto power, would be an example of this. It will also take on the leadership of the developing nations with even greater effect, thereby disturbing the global balance of power.
As a result, there are many countries that are discomfited and want nothing more than the return to power in India of a more pliable leadership that lacks the courage and abilities to build on the nation’s potential. India would then continue to grow at what once used to be described as the ‘Hindu rate of growth’. This has resulted in the very visible interference in India’s political processes by all and sundry. Every medium is being used to disrupt the narrative. Pakistan sends its terrorists, China utilises its social media bots, the US has its ‘venerable’ institutions churn out ‘authentic reports’ on India’s failing democracy, etc. The stakes are high and India’s voters have to choose what scenario they would prefer for their future.