By Our Staff Reporter
Dehradun, 13 Dec: KSM Film productions and FLO Uttarakhand in association with NZCC Patiala and Pancham Ved Creation Charitable Trust have organised “The Great Mountain Theatre Festival’ at the Olympus High Auditorium, here.
On the third day, today, the Chief Guest was Abhishek Maindola, an eminent director, writer and actor. He has acted in various Bollywood films like Dum Laga ke Haisha, Student of the Year – 2, ‘72 hours’ and ‘Love Day’. The Guest of Honour was Kusum Pant, who has been active in the field of theatre for the last 18 years. She has been honoured with the Uttarakhand Sanskriti Samman, Sanjeevani Samman, Uma Shakti Samman and many more.
The programme commenced with the welcome of the dignitaries. It was followed by a welcome speech given by the School Managing Director, Dr Kunal Shamshere Malla.
The highlight of the event was the play, ‘Jal Shatru’. This play is dedicated to the conservation of water and other natural resources. The story very comically highlights the misuse of natural resources by Mankind which in turn causes harm to other forms of life on the planet. It opens with the protagonist named Bhagirath throwing garbage in the drain outside his house. He is ignorant of his act. It also shows him partying with his friends and finding immense pleasure in misusing natural resources. On the other hand, we travel up to the exuberant court of Indra, the God of Rain and Thunder, who is enjoying himself with Meghdoot and other court Angels when his day gets disturbed by the commotion on Earth caused by the unavailability of water. Following this, there is a case against the entire humankind by other animals, birds, and plants. The director very efficiently uses supernatural characters to raise such critical and hard-hitting questions balancing it with a lighter aura of presentation. directed by Manvee Nautiyal. The Chief Guest was then invited on the dais to address the gathering. The programme culminated with a vote of thanks by the FICCI FLO Chairperson, Dr Anuradha Pundeer Malla.