Mumabi, 25 Jul: Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari felicitated 24 doctors from the Kutch community of Mumbai for rendering telemedicine services to Corona patients and quarantined persons at a felicitation function held at Raj Bhavan, here, today.
The felicitation of Corona Warriors was organised by the Kutch Yuvak Sangh of Central Mumbai. Corporator from Matunga-Wadala Nehal Shah, President of the Kutch Yuvak Sangh Dhiraj Chedda, Founder Trustee Talakshi Furia, Bipin Gala of Navneet Prakashan, Jayant Chheda and Rishabh Maroo were prominent among those present.
Corona Warriors Dr Hiren Gala, Dr Nimitt Nagda, Dr Harish Goshar, Dr Sohil Gala, Dr Paras Dedhia, Dr Vishal Lapshila, Dr Sejal Bheda Gogari, Dr Rupal Gala, Dr Bhavan Vinod Gada, Dr Sahil Chheda, Dr Rajul Gada, Dr Anisha Rachit Shah, Dr Krina Chheda, Dr Tanvi Shah, Dr Aarti Nandu, Dr Pravina Savla, Dr Bhavin Visariya, Dr Yay Savla, Dr Jayesh Kapadia, Dr Heta P Karani, Dr Nirav Chheda (On behalf of the late Dr Dhiraj Chheda), Dr Priyanka Mota, Dr Ruju Gala, Dr Nilam Gada, Mita, Veera, Pranita Sonawadekar, Komal Fofaria, Bharati Sanogoi were felicitated by the Governor on this occasion.