HALDWANI, 13 Jan: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami claimed on Saturday that lord Ram has an unbreakable connection with Uttarakhand. Speaking at the Ramotsava function held here, Dhami stated that the origin of the Saryu river, on the banks of which lord Ram’s father and Maharaj Dashrath performed rituals to conceive a child, is in Bageshwar district. When lord Ram returned to Ayodhya after defeating the Lanka king Ravan and was crowned King, the Maryada Purushottam performed Pitru Yagya at the Raghunath temple of Devprayag.
The CM expressed that Ram is the soul of this country. It is a matter of pride for everyone that the Ramlila being staged in Ayodhya these days is performed by the artistes of Devbhoomi. Dhami recalled that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Aditya Nath himself has acknowledged that the best Ramlila in the country is from Uttarakhand.
The Chief Minister emphasised that the glory of lord Ram is infinite. Ram belongs to Maharishi Valmiki, Ram belongs to Kevat, Ram belongs to Shabari, Ram belongs to Nishadraj, Ram belongs to Vibhishan, Ram also belongs to Sugreeva and Hanuman. Ram belongs to everyone in this present age as well. That is why he is called Maryada Purushottam Ram. Lord Ram is an icon of virtue and his actions are exemplary in human life. Despite being in the form of Brahman himself, he incarnated for the sake of all humans in human form and presented an example of how a man of good character should live. Ram belongs to the country, and the country belongs to Ram.
Dhami asserted that the state government is continuously working to fulfill the opportunity given to it by following the ideals of Maryada Purushottam lord Ram. The BJP government is working with a resolute determination. He stated that for the state to become the best, it is the government’s priority to eliminate corruption, symbolised by Ravana, and substance abuse, symbolised by Kumbhakarna.
The Chief Minister announced that Ram Lalla will be installed in Ayodhya on 22 of this month and this is an opportunity that every Indian has been waiting for years. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has provided an opportunity for 1.4 billion countrymen to celebrate Ramotsav. He expects everyone to celebrate Deepotsav by lighting lamps and praising lord Ram on the day of installation. He mentioned that, keeping in mind the faith of Ram devotees, the state government has requested the Railway Minister to operate the Vande Bharat train between Dehradun and Ayodhya. Additionally, the Aviation Minister has been urged to start a helicopter service between Jolly Grant airport in Dehradun and Ayodhya. Bus services have been initiated from Haldwani and Dehradun to Ayodhya. He felt that it is by lord Ram’s grace that he is being able to serve the people of the state as Chief Minister.
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami stated that today the culture of Uttarakhand is visible not only in India but also in foreign countries. Uttarakhand people have preserved their rich cultural heritage and folk traditions even in foreign countries.