By Our Staff Reporter
Dehradun, 29 May: The state government has fulfilled the years old demand of teachers of the LT cadre in the School Education Department. The government has amended the service rules of LT teachers and directed the department to issue SOPs soon regarding divisional change. Now, LT teachers can be transferred from one division to another. LT teachers will get a chance to change cadre once in their entire service period. For this, it will be necessary for them to complete at least five years of satisfactory service in their original cadre, only then will they be eligible for inter-zonal transfer.
The state’s School Education Minister, Dr Dhan Singh Rawat, has said that considering the long pending demand of LT cadre teachers of the state, the state cabinet recently amended the Uttarakhand Subordinate Education (Trained Graduate Category) (Amendment) Service Rules-2024 and approved inter-divisional transfer. Through this amendment, the government has given the teachers of LT cadre an opportunity to change the division once in the entire service period so that the teacher can complete remaining service in the desired division. Dr Rawat said that SOPs will be issued soon from the government level regarding the process to be adopted for cadre change of LT teachers.
Teachers transferred from one division to another will become the junior most in the new cadre from the date of assuming charge.
Dr Rawat said that while, changing the division, teachers working in the general branch will be transferred to the general branch, while female teachers working in the women’s branch will be transferred to the women’s branch only. In both the divisions, in the division where the number of actual vacancies is less subject-wise, teachers will be transferred to schools of the same category to that extent. He said that interested teachers may apply at the respective divisional level only. After examining the received application forms, the Director of Secondary Education will allocate divisions to the teachers. It is necessary to take approval from the committee constituted at the government level.
Dr Rawat said that for transparency in inter-divisional transfer, a five-member committee has been constituted at the government level under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary, Secondary Education. It will include the Additional Secretary, Personnel, Joint Secretary, Secondary Education, Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary, Secondary Education.
Dr Rawat expressed the hope that the problem of teachers will be solved by inter-divisional transfer, and they will fully cooperate in strengthening the education system.