Inspector Avinash boasts of an ensemble cast that includes the sizzling Urvashi Rautela, the versatile Amit Sial, the talented Rahul Mittra, the fierce Abhimanyu Singh, the captivating Shalin Bhanot, the dashing Freddy Daruwala and the rising star Adhyayan Suman. The cop drama is inspired by Avinash Mishra and his fight against crime. Set in Uttar Pradesh of the 1990s, it shows Avinash Mishra battling with his team to curb the growing mafia dominance and illegal arms trade.
Neerraj Pathak’s crisp writing, coupled with his brilliant shot-taking ability & an eye for detail transports the audiences to the heart of Uttar Pradesh of the the 90s, a time when crime and corruption ran rampant. In a world controlled by the mafia and illegal arms trade, the brave and exceptional cop Avinash Mishra, along with his team, battles tirelessly to bring down the growing mafia dominance.
Presented by Jio Studios, this extraordinary tale sheds light on the sacrifices and risks involved in fighting for justice in a corrupt system. This is also one of those rare shows that remains rooted to its core, hence finding resonance across the globe. And this where Neerraj Pathak succeeds as a filmmaker; in painting a realistic picture of the world he’s taking us to.