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Recipe for a Peaceful Life

By Ravi Matah
When we grow up, there are certain things that we wish to achieve. We have some wishes that we cannot get rid of until we satisfy those. It does take time to understand the complexities of life, and while we are trying to understand them, we also simultaneously work hard to solve the problems of life, one by one.
Then, our principal concern is to improve our status in life – and to do that –people think that acquiring material things is necessary. This is not correct. So much time and money is wasted on acquiring material things that cannot be called achievements.
On the contrary, a quiet and modest life gives much more happiness than the constant pursuit of success combined with continuous restlessness. One of the most brilliant minds, Albert Einstien had once said that ‘a peaceful mind and a peaceful life is the key to Happiness’.
Just look at how differently the world defines Happiness today? We are constantly told – do this; do that; get this and get that. Keep pushing yourself. Work really hard. And then you will really be Happy. Now, imagine that you want to buy a new watch because you saw many people wearing it and were looking extremely happy. If you buy the watch, will it make you happy or will you be happy when you no longer have the craving for that watch?
We think that big houses and or big cars – awards and accolades will make us happy. But actor Jim Carrey has said, “I wish that everybody could be rich and famous so that they can see for themselves that that’s not the answer.” Many people also think that everyone’s primary desire is to build a bungalow, furnish it and convert it into a decent residence. Then, prepare a garden of a size appropriate to the building and decorate the balconies, also. Do you really think all these things are necessary?
So, on this International Day of Happiness, let’s remember what Einstein had once said, “Let’s stop rushing though our days in the hope of being happy sometime in the future. Let’s, instead, embrace a calm and modest way of life and experience the happiness we all deserve right now.”
This is not the way of living a life. In fact, life is lived in a person’s mind. Yes, our mind is our permanent residence. You don’t have to pay a dime for living there. The space is unlimited. You may imagine as many rooms or garages as you fancy.
In fact, Life is perfect when you have sorted out the clutter in your mind. The problem is that we keep our mind in a mess. Too many unnecessary things are cluttered in one corner of the mind and all traffic of good thoughts gets jammed in that and does not fit in correctly to give you Happiness.
Our regrets are piling up in one corner of our mind and our expectations are stuffed in another closet. Secrets close to the heart are pushed under the carpet, worries are littered everywhere. The tendency of comparing ourselves with others is spilt on the table. Furthermore, our inferiority complex is leaking from an old bottle and writ large on the face. Not only this, our grudges are stinking in a box in one corner.
Just remember, your real home is your mind which should be free of all useless clutter and unnecessary craving for materialistic desires. You cannot get a house keeper to clean this as this is a do-it-yourself job and then you will see how beautiful your life is.
Thereafter, once you have removed the clutter, you will be surrounded by such indescribable beauty that is difficult to describe in words. So, beautify your mind first. Not to mention here that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and your happiness is not dependent on a handful of material things that you may have somehow managed to buy. Just see what these learned people have said about happiness:-
“If you want to live a peaceful life, let others live in peace.”- Debasish Mridha
“The only way anyone can live in peace, is if they are willing to forgive.” ? Abhijit Naskar, Fabric of Humanity.
“Life is a lot more pleasant when you learn from other people’s mistakes.”? Wayne Gerard Trotman.
So, live life to the fullest, laugh and enjoy.
(Ravi Matah is a Retired Gazetted Officer from Central Government Service. He is a prolific writer, loves Cricket and keeps penning his thoughts on social issues. He can be reached at ravi_matah@hotmail.com.)