By Ravi Garg
Once upon a time, in a serene village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a wise old man named Master Li. He was renowned throughout the land for his wisdom and knowledge of the natural world.
One day, a curious young boy named Wei visited Master Li in search of wisdom. Eager to learn, Wei asked, “Master Li, why is it that some trees grow quickly while others take so much time?”
Master Li smiled kindly at Wei and beckoned him to follow. They walked through the village and into the nearby forest. As they strolled among the trees, Master Li pointed to a small patch of bamboo shoots sprouting from the ground.
“Ah, young Wei,” Master Li began, “observe the bamboo tree. It teaches us a valuable lesson about patience and perseverance.”
Intrigued, Wei watched as Master Li knelt and tenderly touched one of the bamboo shoots. “Do you see these bamboo shoots?” Master Li asked. “For years, they remain hidden beneath the earth, receiving nourishment and growing strong roots. But above the ground, they show little sign of progress.”
Wei nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes.
Master Li continued, “Then, in the fifth year, something miraculous happens. The bamboo shoots begin to shoot upward with astonishing speed, sometimes growing several feet in just a few weeks.”
Wei’s eyes widened in amazement.
Master Li smiled knowingly. “You see, Wei, the bamboo tree teaches us the importance of patience and perseverance. Though it may seem like nothing is happening for years, beneath the surface, growth is occurring. And when the time is right, that growth bursts forth in a spectacular display.”
As they walked back to the village, Wei pondered Master Li’s words. He realised that just like the bamboo tree, true growth takes time, patience, and perseverance.
From that day on, Wei approached life with a newfound understanding, drawing inspiration from the humble bamboo tree and the wisdom of Master Li.
And so ends the story of the bamboo tree, reminding us all of the virtues of patience and perseverance in the journey of growth.
(Ravi Garg is an associate Chartered Accountant, who has compeleted his CA at just the age of 21 years.)