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Welcome 2024!


The year gone by, 2023, was for humanity the usual mix of triumph and tragedy. It was not, however, equitably mixed – some nations had more of one than the other, as did communities, down to the local level. Much depended on the readiness of response to challenges, as was seen in the Covid years before, looking back at which one can only be amazed at the resilience of the human spirit.

As if the war in Ukraine was not enough, another major conflagration was triggered in Gaza. The world economy had managed, somehow, to bypass the Ukraine conflict, but is now facing fresh challenges to supply chains from the allies of Hamas. The cumulative effect of this is being felt more by the less developed nations, diverting resources away from constructive programmes to those focused on survival. And it is all to be blamed on human folly at a time when dangers such as climate change require rising above petty differences for a common cause.

The problem is that people, almost everywhere, do not recognise when the going is good, taking the fruits of past endeavour and sacrifice for granted. The New Year will also offer choices on a daily basis to raise humanity’s happiness index. And, yet, there will be those causing harm to others for personal gain. The acts of a few can impact on the many in incalculable and unpredictable ways. It is therefore important that the opportunities to do good this year should not be missed – no level is too tiny. The butterfly effect of small acts can have a global impact.

It is difficult to reverse a negative trend that has gathered momentum. The challenges that the world faces have to be confronted unitedly. The role of dialogue and consultations should not be underestimated. Often, they seem hollow and a waste of time, but for the intelligent there is much to learn. It is mostly easy to identify an enemy, but one should also recognise one’s friends – a more difficult task. It helps if the objectives are clearly identified. Nothing can be taken for granted, but there is also no place for despair. One can learn from the achievers of the past, be inspired by role models, recognise even the smallest achievement and build on it. This can be done as an individual, a people, a nation and as Earthlings. The interests of all are the interests of each. The past is over, focus on the future. Welcome 2024!