DEHRADUNn, 17 Jul: In keeping with the times, Welham Boys’ School prepares to host the next edition of WELMUN online. This mock session of the Model United Nations brings with it exciting new challenges as students from across the subcontinent come together to apply themselves to complex global issues in a manner which may well be the new normal in the immediate future.
As people reboot their lives during a global pandemic that has among other things forced mankind to introspect, the community of globally connected students will come together and give shape to a platform that will address the world’s most pressing problems.
WELMUN 2020 will have 300 student delegates participate from 30 schools on Zoom. The spectrum of topics will be drawn from diverse fields ranging from security issues that look at the changing world order as two superpowers jostle to take the pole position in the race for global supremacy; the multiple emerging economic challenges; the environmental crises that threaten our very existence be it the Amazon fires, the state of the oceans or climate change; and other pressing fields like human rights, etc.
‘Not only will WELMUN 2020 aim at expanding each participant’s ability to look beyond the horizon, but it will also provide a platform for the young minds to develop their community and leadership skills by being moderators and chairs. The very fact that this is going to be held online may also provide an opportunity to considerably raise the bar,’ said Sangeeta Kain, Principal, Welham Boys’.
WELMUN is an academic simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real-world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country.