Dehradun, 16 Apr: A workshop was conducted, today, by Seema Kundaliya at GGIC, Ajabpur, on awareness of Cervical and Breast cancers, two of the major health issues in women’s lives in the present.
The workshop was attended by 200 school girls, their mothers and school staff.
On the occasion, Kundaliya said, “I am very grateful that, with the support of my organisation called Swakurta, I am getting this opportunity to introduce the symptoms, signs and precautions for these diseases. Women are the backbone of any society and at Swakruta we believe not only in empowering them but also in making them aware about their own selves so that despite following a hectic schedule they can take care and understand how they can prevent problems like Cervical and Breast cancers.”
She thanked Principal Narmada Rana, the school staff and the girls of GGIC for carefully listening and participating in the discussion.