Haridwar, 17 Dec: Equipped with BHEL-supplied Nuclear power equipment, the 220 MW Unit 1 at the indigenously developed Kaiga Atomic Power Station (KAPS) of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) has created a world record for continuous operation.
Significantly, the unit now stands first amongst all kinds of Nuclear power generating stations in the world in terms of uninterrupted operation. Recently, the unit registered 941 days of continuous operation, surpassing the earlier world record of 940 days held by Heysham-Unit 2 of the United Kingdom.
Notably, the complete main plant equipment including the 220 MW Steam Turbine Generator set and all the four Steam Generators for the above unit of NPCIL have been manufactured and supplied by BHEL. This landmark achievement has demonstrated the country’s indigenous capability in design, manufacture, erection, commission and efficient operation of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PWHR).
The first stage of the indigenous nuclear power programme of the country has attained maturity with 18 operating PHWRs. Twelve PHWRs accounting for 74% of the Nuclear Power capacity are equipped with BHEL-supplied Steam Turbine Generator sets (10 units of 220 MW each and two units of 540 MW). These sets have exhibited excellent performance and have created a number of records for continuous operation in the past.
BHEL is currently installing two units each of its highest rating 700 MW nuclear sets at Kakrapara, Gujarat and Rawatbhata, Rajasthan, and is fully geared for enhanced contribution in NPCIL’s upcoming 700 MW PHWRs.
Significantly, BHEL is the only Indian company associated with all the three stages of the Indian Nuclear Power Programme – the first stage PHWR, the second stage Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) and the third stage Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) and has been a partner for over four decades in the development of the indigenous Nuclear Power Programme since its inception.
BHEL has dedicated infrastructure and skilled manpower to address the special design, manufacturing and testing requirements complying with international codes and standards for various components/equipment of a Nuclear power plant. BHEL has proven its capability as a designer and manufacturer of both primary (steam generators, reactor headers, end shields, etc.) and secondary (turbine, generator, heat exchangers etc.) side equipment for Nuclear power projects.
Uttarakhand NPCIL’s Kaiga Unit-1, equipped with BHEL-supplied Nuclear Power equipment, creates World Record