Bhararisain, 24 Aug: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami planted trees under the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign in the Chief Minister’s residence complex located in Vidhan Sabha Gairsain (JKNC). On this occasion, the Chief Minister planted a deodar sapling in the name of his mother Bishna Devi.
The Chief Minister said that under the Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam campaign, tree plantation was carried out on a large scale across the state. A massive tree plantation campaign was run in the entire state from Harela festival to 15 August. In this, campaign, public cooperation was also taken along with various departments.
In-charge of Vidhan Sabha Gairsain, Shekhar Pant has planted 4,000 fruit trees in the Vidhan Sabha premises, the Chief Minister also thanked him while appreciating his efforts for environmental protection.
On this occasion, MLAs Anil Nautiyal, Madan Singh Bisht, Harish Dhami, Aadesh Chauhan and Manoj Tiwari besides Officer In-charge of Vidhan Sabha Bhararisain, Shekhar Pant were present.