Home Dehradun National Graduate Physics Examination-2020 Part-C held online

National Graduate Physics Examination-2020 Part-C held online


By Our Staff Reporter 

Dehradun, 23 Aug: National Graduate Physics Examination is conducted for Physics Graduate students in the month of January every year by the voluntary organisation, Indian Association of Physics Teaches. This year, 11,637 students took part in this examination and the top 27 of them have been shortlisted to appear for NGPE – 2020 Part-C (An Examination in experimental skill).
Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it could not be possible to call these students to a university or college for the experimental Test. IAPT, therefore, decided to hold an online examination to test the experimental skill. About two months, it was decided to hold an online examination at the students’ own desk. An online meeting for dedicated teachers and the students was arranged on 3 August during which the students and teachers were given all details of the online examination. A complete kit of the apparatus to be used was prepared and multiplied at PK College, Contai (WB), by a group of teachers headed by Dr Pradipta Panchadhyayee from Midnapore (WB). Kits were sent by courier and speed post to each student at his or her residence and the students were advised to arrange the whole apparatus on their own desk to perform the experiment. A Google class room was generated for this examination. To make the students clear about the work, a mock test was organised on 21 August from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Though only seventeen students participated in the mock test, yet it was successful. Other students reported that they were busy with other assignments as this was a working day.
One day, before, on 23 August, Prof BP Tyagi, the Chief Coordinator for IAPT Examination in an online meeting briefed the teachers on all the experiments to be performed by the students. Dr Anil Kumar Singh coordinator of NGPE, who is in Prayagraj, arranged the meeting with the help of other colleagues.
On the day of the examination, only 21 students reported and appeared in the examination. The students were divided into four groups for better proctoring and three teachers were assigned to each group to keep a close watch on the students performing experiments. All their observations have been collected in the Google class room. The examination started at 8 a.m. and ended at 3 p.m.
In the era of the Pandemic, the examination was conducted successfully. On the basis of the performance of these students in this examination, and their marks in NGPE – 2020 Part – A and Part – B, five recipients of Gold Medals 2020 shall be selected. Each will receive a gold Medal and a cash prize of Rs 20,000, along with a certificate of merit at the 35th Annual IAPT convention to be held on 1 November, 2020, at Indore in the Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain Road, Indore (MP). Prof BP Tyagi thanked all the teachers who helped in the conduct of this examination directly or indirectly.
For successful completion of the examination the following teachers contributed effectively, according to Dr Anand Singh Rana, Coordinator (NSE Physics), Shri Guru Ram Rai (PG) College, Dehradun.