Home Dehradun New Theological College holds evening of carol singing

New Theological College holds evening of carol singing


By Abraham Kattil

Dehradun, 12 Dec: What has been a rather eventful and often chaotic year has slowly inched towards its culmination; 2019 has briskly stumbled into the month of December and the world is now trying to embrace a season of joy amidst the haze of uncertainties. A glimpse of what this joy can be was brought to life in a small corner of Dehradun by New Theological College (NTC) that hosted its Christmas carol singing night, on Tuesda, in the college auditorium at Kulhan.
The evening found its beauty brought alive by singing, music, and the message of God’s love for humanity. New Theological College boasts a student body comprising diverse cultures and languages. The evening witnessed the coming together of these cultures and languages in a fashion that thrilled the ears of the assembled with “sweet hymns of joy”. Songs were sung in Punjabi, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, and Lotha, invoking a spirit of unity from all four corners of the nation under one roof. English songs ranging from different eras of music history were sung by the melodious NTC choir, led by the Dean of the School of Music, Dr Jacob Joseph, and he was assisted by Jovan Paul. The evening was hosted by Kedalung Chawang.
The message for the event was delivered by the Principal of NTC, Dr Simon Samuel, who spoke about the days of Jesus’ birth. With the phrase “in those days”, Dr Samuel spoke about strife, contention, and injustice of a masquerading empire in the disguise of peace. Yet there “in those days” of misery there rose hope and joy for the lowly, the poor, and the destitute, from God, who dwelled among them in the person of Jesus Christ. The message of Christmas is a message of hope amidst despair.
The evening was a testimony of God’s faithfulness and profound care for people expressed in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the ‘Son of God’, Jesus Christ, who became man so that humans can become children of God.