Home Dehradun Village leaders train to stop violence against women

Village leaders train to stop violence against women



DEHRADUN, 8 Aug: Mamta Samajik Sanstha, under its women safety net project (Mahila Shakti Graha Yojna), conducted a training programme for 30 village leaders of Vikasnagar Block, here, at its Gender Resource Centre in Kehrigaon to train and sensitise these leaders to stop any kind of violence against women and girls in their respective villages. Member Secretary of the State Women Commission, Kamini Gupta, who participated in the training as a resource person, encouraged village women and leaders to raise their voices and report cases of any kind of violence, particularly domestic violence, to the Rajya Mahila Ayog in order to provide all necessary support and help to the victim of violence. Timely help could protect the very precious life of a woman or girl. She expressed at learning that Mamta Samajik Sanstha was running a women safety net project in the villages of Vikasnagar and protecting many women and their lives from domestic violence. Many victims of domestic violence were being referred to the commission by Mamta Sanstha to resolve their problems. Earlier, Beena Walia, Senior Programme Officer of Mamta Sanstha, gave a brief on the women safety net project which is being undertaken with the help of TPAK-JICA, Japan. She said, “We sensitise women and men in the villages of Vikasnagar on the issues of domestic violence through village meetings and house to house visits to women who are victims of any kind of violence to provide them counselling and support in order to end their troubles.” JM Singh, Chief of Mamta Sanstha, spoke about the rights of women and girls and told them about various government schemes to support women who are victims of domestic violence. He told the village leaders and the participants that, if they found any woman or girl in their villages facing any kind of violence and needed support and counselling, they could refer them to the help spots in each project village. The help spots would try to resolve the issue at their end otherwise they would guide victims to visit the drop-in centre of Mamta Sanstha for further help and assistance. Mamta Samajik Sanstha provides temporary shelter and counselling to women and girls who are victim sof violence and takes them to Rajya Mahila Ayog for required help and guidance. Group work was done in 4 groups on various government schemes for women, the role of government departments that provide support to the victims of violence, legal aid and the laws to prevent violence, as well as the role of village leaders in stopping such violence. Four participants, Anjum, Sabiya, Reena and Sita, gave presentations on behalf of their groups. Their presentations were appreciated by Kamini Gupta and other resource persons. Shivani, Shiwali, Meenakshi, Soni, Masuda, Rampal and Anu provided the necessary support to organise the training.