DEHRADUN, 9 Jul: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami today directed Chief Secretary Dr SS Sandhu to issue orders to all concerned, to avoid holding government functions in hotels across the state. This step is intended as an austerity measure according to the CM.
Dhami said that large functions in Dehradun instead of being held in expensive hotels be preferably held at Janata Darhsan Hall at CM’s Residence and he directed that similar orders be issued to district magistrates and other district level officers too, to avoid holding government functions at private hotels and instead hold them in government accommodations. The CM has further stressed that all possible efforts were being made to raise the revenue and curtain needless expenditure to help reduce the financial burden of the state.
Sources said that soon an order would be issued by the Chief Secretary regarding this. A major programme being organised by the Department of Fisheries is scheduled to be held tomorrow in Dehradun at a three star hotel. It will be interesting to see if this programme is also cancelled or held at a government venue now or will be held as per the schedule since the written orders in this respect are yet to be issued.