DEHRADUN, 10 August: Minister Ganesh Joshi held a meeting today at his camp office with party officials from the BJP’s Shri Dev Suman Nagar Mandal in the Mussoorie assembly constituency. The meeting focused on preparations and planning for the upcoming “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign. During the meeting, plans were discussed for a grand Tiranga rally organized by the Yuva Morcha on August 12, which will include cleanliness drives at freedom fighters’ and war memorials, among other activities. The Tiranga rally will proceed from Diversion to Dilram Chowk and will conclude at Garhi Cantt. Joshi emphasized that the central government and the Bharatiya Janata Party are taking the “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign very seriously in celebration of Independence Day. He urged party officials and workers to ensure their active participation at the booth level and to contribute to the successful execution of the program.
The meeting was attended by several party officials, including Pradeep Rawat, Surendra Rana, Arvind Dobhal, Babita Sahotra, and Ankit Joshi.