Dehradun, 23 Jun: Shark Tank India’s renowned judge and entrepreneur Peyush Bansal visited the Sunfox Technologies lab. During this visit, he had detailed discussions with the team about the strategy and potential of scaling the Spandan ECG device.
Notably, Sunfox Technologies performed excellently on Shark Tank India, attracting investment from all five judges. Peyush Bansal, who is also an investor in Sunfox, has always been a strong supporter of the team and considers it one of his most impactful investments.
“Peyush Bansal’s visit and appreciation of our work means a lot to us,” said Nitin Chandola, Technical Lead at Sunfox. “His support and guidance are invaluable to us.”
Bansal commented, “It is truly inspiring to see the passion and innovation at Sunfox. Spandan is a game-changer, making heart health monitoring simple and accessible, especially in areas where healthcare facilities are limited.”
Sunfox Technologies continues to push boundaries in cardiac care, and with the support of influential figures like Peyush Bansal, their mission to provide reliable and affordable cardiac care is becoming more achievable.
Based in Dehradun, India, Sunfox Technologies is a leader in medical innovation. Their flagship product, Spandan, is a portable ECG device that makes heart health monitoring easy and accessible. Sunfox aims to create technology that improves life and healthcare outcomes.