Home Dehradun Supplementary Budget passed amid uproar by Opposition members

Supplementary Budget passed amid uproar by Opposition members

Reservation Bill referred to Select Committee 
By Our Staff Reporter
Dehradun, 8 Sep: The House today passed the demands for grants, as part of the first supplementary budget for the current financial year, amid uproar by the opposition members. It may be recalled that various demands for grants to the tune of Rs 11,341 crore were presented on the second day of the current session. Prior to the passage of the supplementary budget, approval was sought separately for each head of account. In addition, 11 out of all 12 bills that had been tabled on the second day of the session were also passed by the House by voice vote. Earlier, the House also approved withdrawal of two bills.
However, when the bill for reservation for the statehood activists came up for passage, Bhuwan Kapri of Congress raised an objection, claiming that the bill does not incorporate reservation on posts covered under the jurisdiction of State Public Service Commission. Several Congress members lent their support to Kapri. Later Vinod Chamoli and Munna Singh Chauhan also suggested that the bill be amended. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Aggarwal agreed to amend the bill on the spot but on the suggestion by Chamoli, he later agreed to refer the bill to a Select Committee, and later on summon a one day special session  to pass the amended bill.
Prior to the passage of the finance bill, the Opposition members discussed the issue of law and order under Rule 58, and demanded a CBI inquiry into the Ankita Bhandari case. In response, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Prem Chand Aggarwal cited data to claim that law and order situation has improved under the BJP Government as compared to the Congress ruled period 2012-17 in the state. This enraged the Opposition members who created a ruckus. They continued to create uproar when the Parliamentary Affairs Minister Aggarwal stood up, seeking the passage of the Supplementary demands. Later, the Opposition members allowed the finance bill and other bills to  be passed without hindrance.