Home Dehradun 97th Founder’s Day Celebrations begin at Rimc

97th Founder’s Day Celebrations begin at Rimc

DEHRADUN, 12 Mar: Celebrations of 97th Founder’s Day of RIMC began today; as the Founder’s day is coupled with reunion of the Old Boys it began with great euphoria and ecstasy.
‘RIMCOLLIAN Reunion’ had  the presence of galaxy of senior officers of Armed Forces such as Air Chief Mshl BS Dhanoa, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, VM, Chief of Air Staff, Gen VN Sharma, PVSM, AVSM (Retd), Former Chief of Army Staff, Vice Admiral Bimal Verma, AVSM, ADC, Air Mshl B Suresh, PVSM, AVSM, VM, Lt Gen Rakesh Nandan, PVSM, AVSM, SM (Retd), Air Mshl PP Reddy, PVSM, VM (Retd), Vice Adm PK Chatterjee, PVSM, AVSM, NM (Retd) Lt Gen HS Sehgal, VSM (Retd), Lt Gen SS Dhillon, PVSM, AVSM**, VSM (Retd) Lt Gen BS Pawar, PVSM, AVSM (Retd) Vice Adm BS Randhawa, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd), Lt Gen SS Grewal, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM (Retd), Dr NM Ghatate Maj Gen DA Chaturvedi, PVSM, AVSM, SM Air Mashl C Hari Kumar, AVSM, VM,VSM, ADC. Air Mashl PP Reddy, AVSM, VM (Retd), and many more.
Some of the important events of today’s celebrations were ‘Air Warrior’s Drill Team’s display which was witnessed by hundreds of the school children of the Doon Valley. Air Warrior’s Drill Team’s Display is the advanced synchronized drill movement in different formation. The spectacular program, has been performing across India and abroad on several occasions since 2004.
An Inter Section Horse Riding Competition too was organized before the distinguished Old Boys. Pratap Section clinched the Inter Section Riding Trophy, leaving behind Ranjit, Chandragupat and Shivaji Section. Cadet Prakhar Negi was adjudged the Best Rider. Maj Gen PP Singh gave away prizes to deserving cadets.
Later in the afternoon, a Hockey match was played between the Old boys and the Cadets of RIMC, in which old boys defeated the cadets by 6-4. Gp Capt Deepak Ahluwalia, Capt Lalit Thapliyal, Lt Tabshir Wani and Capt Ayoush Salaria converted goal for the Old Boys.
Later, in the evening, the most coveted of all, the Inter Section Boxing final bouts were contested amidst souring adrenalins and lots of cheering and booing.
Ranjit Section clinched the Inter Section Boxing Cup, by defeating Ranjit Section by a close margin. Cadet Raghvendra Singh Baghel was adjudged the Best Boxer. Some of the Winners of the Intersection Boxing events are Cdt Anshuman Tripathi, Cdt Manas Sharma, Cdt Ayush Dhar, Cdt Thanil kumar, Cdt Afrid Afroz, Cdt Prakhar Negi.
Gen VN Sharma, PVSM, AVSM (Retd), Former Chief of Army Staff presided over the competition as the Chief Guest and gave away prizes to deserving boys. Gen VN Sharma expressed his satisfaction over the improvement in the performance of the cadets in all spheres of pedagogy.